Terms and Conditions

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APSDAI Terms and Conditions

July 26, 2023

APSDAI places great importance on the protection of user information. When you use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information. To clearly present to you how we collect, use, and protect your information when using APSDAI services, we have formulated the “APSDAI Privacy Policy”. Before using the services provided by APSDAI, please read and fully understand the “APSDAI Privacy Policy” carefully. Once you use the APSDAI services, it means you acknowledge and accept the constraints of the “APSDAI Privacy Policy”.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you can contact us at any time through the online customer service system at http://apsdai.com/contact, send an email to support@mail.apsdai.com, or call our customer service phone.

The information we collect includes:

  • Information you provide to APSDAI: When using our services, you may provide us with personal information such as phone numbers, email addresses, ID card numbers, bank card numbers, etc. When you voluntarily choose services or provide relevant information, the APSDAI service system will automatically store this information, which will be shared with the corresponding software developers to process your order.
  • Information we collect when you use APSDAI services includes:
    • Log information: When you use APSDAI services, the server will automatically record some information, such as your use of our services, IP address, the URL of the service accessed, browser type and language, and the date and time of access.
    • Crash information: When you encounter a crash or other abnormal situations while using APSDAI services, APSDAI will receive a crash report after your confirmation. Crash reports can help us diagnose problems with APSDAI. APSDAI will try to avoid sending crash reports that contain personally identifiable information, but the report may contain information about your operating system version and status at the time of the crash.
    • Device information: Some products and/or services use a unique application number. When you install, activate, update, or uninstall related services, or these services regularly communicate with APSDAI (such as software updates), the system will send this number and installation-related information (such as operating system type and application version number) to APSDAI.
    • Cookie information: Cookies are mainly used for authentication, helping the website with data statistics to provide you with personalized services, such as optimizing ad display and showing you ads related to you instead of generic ads.

You can choose to refuse Cookies. You can refuse Cookies by modifying browser settings. If you choose to refuse Cookies, you may not be able to log in or use APSDAI services or features that depend on Cookies.

User Experience Improvement Program: When you use APSDAI products, we will invite you to participate in the User Experience Improvement Program, and you can choose to refuse.

How we use your information includes:

  • Improving services and user experience: By collecting information, APSDAI will better understand how you use our services, thereby providing you with personalized services and improving or developing new products/services.
  • Security protection: We use your information for identity verification, customer service, security prevention, fraud monitoring, archiving, and backup when providing services to ensure the security of the products and services provided.
  • Advertising services: APSDAI may work with partners to provide you with services you need or display content you may be interested in, including various Internet services, third-party Internet service providers, and other products or services related to you. In necessary cases, you agree to share the necessary information with APSDAI. If you do not wish us to use your personal information for the above advertising purposes, you can request us to stop using your personal information through the prompts we provide in the advertisements or the instructions in specific services.
  • Data statistics: APSDAI may conduct statistics on product usage and share these statistics with the public to show the overall usage trends of our services. These statistics do not contain your personally identifiable information.
  • Information sharing: In cases where you authorize, use sharing features, legal requirements, academic research, or public interest, APSDAI may disclose your information while implementing relevant service terms or usage policy provisions.

Product Service Description:

  • How to access and control personal information: We will try our best to ensure that you can access, update, and correct your registration information or other personal information provided when using our services through appropriate technical means. When accessing, updating, correcting, and deleting this information, you may need to be authenticated to protect the security of your account.

Protecting the information of minors: We attach great importance to protecting the information of minors. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the consent of your parents or legal guardians before using APSDAI products and/or services.

Revision of terms: APSDAI may revise the terms of the “APSDAI Privacy Policy” in a timely manner, and these revisions will become part of the “APSDAI Privacy Policy”. If the revision results in a substantial reduction of your rights under the “APSDAI Privacy Policy”, we will announce it prominently on the homepage before it takes effect. In this case, if you continue to use our services, it means you agree to be bound by the revised “APSDAI Privacy Policy”.

How to contact us: If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you can contact us at any time by sending an email to support@mail.apsdai.com or calling our customer service phone.

Generally, we will reply within 48 hours. If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if our personal information processing behavior has damaged your legal rights and interests, you can also complain or report to the relevant departments such as the cyberspace administration, telecommunications, public security, and industrial and commercial supervision.

Appendix: Explanation of terms

  • Cookie: A mechanism for storing and retrieving information on the server side (or script), extending web-based client/server applications with simple and persistent client-side state. While returning the HTTP object to the client, the server sends a status message that is saved by the client. The status message specifies the valid URL range. Subsequently, for HTTP requests within that range, the client will return the current value of the status message to the server, which is called a Cookie.

APSDAI uses cookies to personalize your experience on our website. Continuing to use this site indicates your agreement with our Cookie Policy. Click here to learn more.